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Halfway Through 2024: What’s Trending in Construction?

At the start of every year, leaders in their respective fields always make predictions about what will take place in the coming months. Now that we are six months into 2024, we wanted to take a moment to review trends in construction that we have observed from watching the industry up close. 

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A pocket park within a retail area

Building Community: In Retail Environments, It Can Bring in the Big Bucks

In today’s retail landscape, creating a sense of community within a physical store is becoming increasingly important. With the ever-present influence of online shopping, brick-and-mortar retailers need to offer experiences that e-commerce cannot replicate. One powerful way to do this is by incorporating dedicated community spaces into retail design.

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Furman University temple rebuilt by hand

The Impact of Culture on Design

At COR3 Design, we are constantly inspired by our travels–whether they are site visits to another part of the country or vacations around the world. It is no accident that our time spent off the clock is typically in pursuit of cultural stimulation.

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The Dancing house in Prague

The Dancing House: A Prague Architectural Gem

Completed in 1996, the Dancing House was a groundbreaking collaboration between Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunić and Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. Their vision was a radical departure from Prague’s traditional aesthetic–a deconstructivist design of undulating concrete and glass meant to evoke the image of a pair of dancers, symbolizing the newly liberated nation emerging onto the world stage.

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